Sunday 12 June 2016

Hever Castle

When I first visited Hever Castle I saw what an interesting place it was. And what a great place for photography. I just needed to arrange it.

I asked Cheryl if she would like to pay a visit. It was quite a long time before our schedules allowed. But I'm glad we persevered. The weather in the week up to the shoot was very unpredictable. Everything was crossed that the one day of the week I needed to be good, would be.

And it was. A little too good to be honest. More cloud cover would have been ideal. It just meant that I had to look for interesting shaded areas or choose the right angle. Cheryl was brilliant. We had discussed the style I wanted, she had looked at the location online. We just seemed to click straight away. And we knew what the other was thinking. So the time flew by with great shot after great shot.

As I have said the direct sun was a little harsh. But with the right aperture and shutter speed and some fill in flash. The non shaded areas produced some great shots.

But when we found some shaded areas, especially with some back light. Wow, those are the ones that really stand out. Right at the end there was a tunnel made from, roses and other plants. I'm not good at recognising plants. The dappled light was beautiful.

Here is the full set of my favourites.

For more of my work, go to my Facebook page.