Saturday 26 May 2018

A retrospective

I'm not sure what the etiquette is with retrospectives. Do I have to be dead to have one? I'm not, obviously, but I'm going to have one anyway.

As I thought about what to include, I started to realise I have been busier than I thought. Do I include all my favourites? The family portraits, mine and friends, as well as the model shoots I have done. Would it be right to miss out any?

I decided this post would be just about the model shoot pictures that show my progress, they mean a lot to me because they show my increasing confidence. I'll stick to this connection to bind them together. The personal pictures, maybe another book is coming on.

I hope you have read my early posts, about my start in portraiture as a way to broaden my experience of photography then you may have seen some of these pictures.

portrait studio model

portrait location model

These two are from a photography workshop. The one mentioned in this post. I like them, particularly the second one. I see now I could have done it differently, maybe better. A little fill flash, and change of angle to get the other pillar in as a frame. But there were six other photographers all queuing for Jade's attention. It's to her credit she saw me a little away from the crowd and looked my way at the right moment. More confidence could have seen me take charge and ask her to move a bit, and wait for me to attach the flash.

After the workshop I contacted a model to arrange a shoot.

model portrait studio

It produced some nice shots and helped me become familiar with my camera gear but ultimately it didn't help my confidence. The model pretty much took charge while I focused on the camera and other equipment.

Below are my favourites from the intervening four years. I can see a developing style as my confidence grows.

Here is where I really started directing the shoots. Working on my ideas.

Working with Jade from the workshop.

Experimenting with lights. This one was two lights, both with just reflectors.

The model approached me to do this shoot. She liked my style and wanted to see if modelling was for her.

One speedlight, bouncing light off the wall behind me.

Lost in thought. Until now most shoots had the model looking at me.

A Sunday in London.

A studio shoot, too many others I could have posted.

Two from a makeup test day.

Not sure if you can have a retrospective with very recent pictures. But I like them so here they are.

Taking advantage of the gradually improving weather.

Spring blossom.

I could have chosen so many more pictures. I have worked with very experienced models and two less experienced. The above is just as much about them as it about me.

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