Saturday 30 June 2018

Enjoy, value and protect your countryside.

cycling vineyard wine

Matt and myself ride our bikes around Surrey and Kent all year. Only very bad weather and adult responsibilities will stop us. We meet at a village green just fifteen minutes from our houses, and we are on the edge of fields and winding lanes. Some places we cycle to are very quiet; we could be in the middle of no-where it's so peaceful. But in fact we are very close to civilisation.

What makes summer cycling so good is the winter. It makes you appreciate when the weather improved. Seemingly endless weekends of cold, wet and at times very unpleasant rides. It keeps us fit and is needed stress relief, but it can become a chore.  Then I realise it's warm enough for shorts and t-shirts, the fields are full of crops and I am presented with a view like the one above.

I have a long awaited ride next weekend, sixty-six miles to Canterbury. My usual rides are about 25 miles. That distance allows time to chat and have a laugh with Matt. The extra distance does give me the chance to push myself a bit more. But it wouldn't be possible without the year round rides with Matt, and occasionally James, Richard and Matt D. Does this sound like an awards ceremony speech?

The award should go to the British countryside. Long may it be so close.

Enjoy, value and protect your countryside.

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