Sunday 17 November 2019

Why do I cycle in the winter?

Now that I have warmed up, I'm glad I got out. But as I cycle with gradually cooling feet I do wonder why I do it.

This time of year tests my determination. I recently wrote about getting cold feet and my attempts to combat it. Over the years it's been a recurring theme for this blog. This weekend I don't feel I'm winning the battle, no matter what I try. Special socks, multiple layers, I've tried lots of permutations. Some have lasted a while, but none have worked for the whole ride. It's not like I'm out for long, maybe two hours maximum.

 I know I could use indoor exercise equipment, apart from not having the space, I have to admit; I wouldn't use it.

When I'm not on my own, there is humour to be had, and general good times. Solo rides are more tricky to get motivated for. There is satisfaction at overcoming the temptation to stay inside and keeping fit.

Photography is always a motivator for me; the late sunrises can make for more interesting skys. I need to include new routes, the usual places have yielded all they can.

Lastly there is answering the question my wife often asks; who else was stupid enough to go out when it's so cold?

Yesterday was a busy day for cyclist spotting, not so good today. I only saw three other hardy souls this morning.

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