Saturday 23 July 2016

Summer at last

The sun is out.

Not only does it make outdoor photography much more enjoyable. It also means cycling is nicer.

For both photography and cycling it's better when planning ahead. My regular readers will have read about my recent shoots. The run up to them was tempered by the uncertain weather. They were all to be outside.  If it had rained there would have been nowhere to hide.  The beach at the beginning of July was colder than I expected. But I had some great pictures. Then in the park with Xandria. Both had very wet weeks before the shoots.

My next shoot isn't until the end of August. It's on a farm, so there will be barns and stables if it decides to rain. I hope it doesn't

Now I ride in t-shirt and shorts. Don't worry, there won't be many selfies.

The greens of the grass turning to yellow as we inevitably draw closer to a hose pipe ban. It is a bit of an institution in the southern UK.

This was June. Very wet and green.

Pictures from today, just a month later. Already the greens are turning yellow. Happy days.

For more of my work, go to my Facebook page.