Wednesday 28 February 2024

Black and white film

ilford xp2 super 400 black and white film

I was initially stumped for ideas. What theme could I use for this post? I'd never used this type of film so considered the shot before taking the picture. During the editing in the digital age I'd "test" to see if a picture might look better without colour. It was rare to think about it before pressing the shutter button. Maybe that wasn't the right process, but it's what I did.

This genre normally produces gritty, arty images, or cityscapes decay and drama. I don't have this locally. I did have long shadows. I planned a walk around this idea.

black and white goalpost

black and white water fountain

black and white bench

As I wandered around I realised I'd missed an opportunity; autumn. Not for the colours, but for a chance to create something a little different. You always see golds, reds and oranges during this season. 

autumn colours leaves

Could I have done it a little differently? I used what was still in evidence.
A few months have past since the above. Now into 2024 I went for a walk around Kenley airfield.  

Established in 1917 aeroplanes were constructed from sections and flown to Europe for combat in the First World War. 
Kenley was a very important airfield in the Second World War, and during the Battle of Britain was responsible for the defence of a large airspace over southern England.

RAF Kenley

Most of what was there during the Second World War has gone or overgrown.

RAF Kenley bomb shelter

RAF Kenley blast pen

There are information plaques and a memorial. 

RAF Kenley information plaque

RAF Kenley memorial

I think black and white suited this walk.