Monday 28 May 2018

Eddy's first event

Thanks Eddy

The day finally arrived, but the weather looked like it might have something to say about it. Impressive thunderstorms the night before and a forecast of more to follow. When I arrived the setup was nearly complete, but the weather was overcast and not looking promising.

But as the bikes started to arrive, so did the sun. It got hotter and hotter all day.

So hot in fact I was taking some pictures and then diving under cover for a while. The predicted storms never arrived.

It was a good turnout, a wide of variety of models and customisation meant there was plenty to photograph. Even people walking past came in to look at the bikes.

custom red stretched harley davidson

black harley davidson

vintage harley davidson

road king harley davidson

row of harley davidsons

mustang p52 inspired paint scheme harley davidson

drop handlebars sports harley davidson

harley davidson with flag

It's took me a long time to decide which of the many pictures to process, and even longer to choose the ones to include with this post.

The live music was very good, the DJ did a great set, followed by a brilliant session by Midnight at Room 306.

midnight at room 306 opening great singer

Midnight at room 306 watched by bikers

I'm not sure when the next event is, I think it will be once a month, after Eddy has had a rest. But he has certainly started well, and set the bar high on his first go.

A photographer for the Kent Messenger paid a visit. Eddy's hard work is really paying off.

jacket patch loud pipes save lives
Yes they do

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