Monday, 11 October 2021


The title was to be my start time for the BEC CC hill climb on White Lane, my first proper race. Albeit only a short one.

The last hill climb I did was in 2019, read about it here. This was a charity fundraiser so no pressure.

It's a tough hill.

I plan to compete in more events next year. There are a number of local Time Trials that look appealing. Whether this will result in me improving my bike or buying a new more specialised one I don't know. Cost will be a factor, so it may be upgrades for marginal gains as the professionals say.

Unfortunately the gentle ride on Saturday didn't end well. I was nearly home, having ridden at low intencity when I came off on some wet leaves.

I'll spare you the gory pictures of my knee and hip. I woke up on Sunday with a stiff hip. I could pedal but applying max force really hurt. The road bike had a bent gear change so it was unridable. I went to meet Matt on the mountain bike, gently again. See previous post.

So my competitive debut will have to wait until next year.