Saturday 16 July 2016


Saturday marked a new high for my photography.

Xandria contacted me through a photography/modeling website. She asked about working with me because she had seen my pictures and liked my style. It matched the style of picture she wanted for her new profile.

It was great to hear this from non family or friends.

We discussed location and style of clothing. It became clear we were after the same thing. She especially wanted fun pictures that showed her age. Not too grown up, natural.

Because she is relatively new to modeling, she looked to me more for posing and composition than I had experienced on previous shoots. The models had more experience interpreting what I wanted, and could also work unprompted. Xandria was still very good, and we worked well together. It wasn't all one sided by any means. And once she relaxed it really started to flow.

Because she wanted pictures for her profile, I delivered over sixty pictures for her to look at. Pretty much straight from the camera. Between us I wanted that number reduced to around twenty. The final number was 38. I then processed them to produce the finished product for both our profiles. I hope to work with her again.

Here are my particular favourites.

For more of my work, go to my Facebook page.