Sunday, 20 October 2019

You can plan a pretty picnic But you can't predict the weather

autumn leaves, bike tree trunk

I didn't have a pretty picnic planned, but I hoped to get some cycling in. It had rained most days during the week, I knew I was going to be on my own for Saturday at least. All of these weren't helping my motivation as I woke up yesterday. But as I looked out of the window I could see it was going to be a glorious day. I headed to Westerham, my default target if I have a little extra time. It's twenty two miles there and back, with a few challenges to get the heart pumping. I felt over dressed, within no time I was boiling hot. Considering the past week, I wasn't going to complain.

black and white in westerham
A black and white shot at Westerham
Today was a little cooler, still dry and not really cold. I didn't have so much time, so it was a loop to Tatsfield via a little lane for the picture opportunity at the top of this post; seventeen miles in all. Plenty of fallen leaves, a reminder how slippery the roads can be. This time of year there is always the threat of wet roads, manhole covers and potholes. In a month or so ice and snow will add to the drama. It won't put me off, indoor trainers are no good for me. After twenty minutes I get bored and stop. If I'm out on the road, and stop, I still have to get home. There is no roadside assistance or rescue vehicle waiting for my call to action.

I have tomorrow off work, so I might get a cheeky ride in. The world, or at least Surrey and Kent, is my oyster.

Hope you had a great weekend.

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1 comment:

  1. Excellent post and I wish I was with you. Although I'm back in the UK, got back yesterday morning and went straight to bed; five hours sleep and then a wedding reception. Got to bed Saturday night around 1230am and 13 hours later I woke up. Back in the saddle next week. Didn't get much exercise in Mexico, bar two swims in the hotel pool. Might start my round-the-block rides tomorrow depending on the weather. Didn't realise it'd been raining all week in the UK (while I was basking in the 32 degree heat!). See you Saturday.
