Saturday, 1 February 2020

An unusually long one.

turners hill bicycle

Stop sniggering at the back.

A more normal ride at the weekend is around twenty miles, Westerham or Smallfield being the far end of the loop.

But today I was on my own, and really needed to clear my head. The past week wasn't great, I just felt low and unmotivated. It was a real struggle to get out of bed. I haven't been eating properly either, a sure sign I wasn't in a good place.

My default destination for a solo ride has become Smallfield. It wasn't going to be enough so I continued to Turners Hill, adding an extra ten miles. The weather was great, much warmer than expected. I concentrated on keeping a good pace; that way my mind hadn't time to ponder any of life's worries. I can't tell you how much I need cycling, I tried in a previous post. The pain in my legs felt good as I pushed myself to go faster. An average speed of 12 mph on a mountain bike is doing ok I think.

I was tired all week, this morning before the ride was no exception. But now I'm back I feel energised. I had thought about spending Saturday and Sunday in bed. That would have been a mistake. It was so good to get out.

Tomorrow's forecast is for rain in the morning, maybe I'll go out a little later and avoid it. I don't want to stay in if at all possible.

I have a gym only a few minutes walk away, I'm not going to join, it's £53 a month. But they do spinning classes that make if much more affordable. If the weather is too bad it might be a good alternative. Simply riding an exercise bike is too boring, I never manage more than ten minutes.

February and March are normally the months for snow, I may take a walk over there soon.

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1 comment:

  1. The weather was great and I regretted my decision not to go out this morning, but Finland beckons and I needed to do stuff, but back next weekend and suggest a ride to Westerham. Keep positive!!!!!
